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Bradley D. Gayheart is a Managing Director of Bankers Capital International, Family Office Group. Mr. Gayheart has over 25 years of experience in the financial services industry including buy-side representation of family offices such as Checchi Capital Advisors and Sarasota Private Trust Company. He has similar experience with family offices on the sell-side involving private equity and debt, structured finance, risk management, and capital markets transactions. Mr. Gayheart earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Kentucky, and a degree in pre-medical science from Life University. He is a member of the board of directors of The First Tee of Sarasota, Manatee, an international youth development organization. Mr. Gayheart currently hold FINRA Series 7, 63, 65, 66, and 79 licenses, along with Florida 1(10), 2(20) and 2(15) insurance licenses.
Mr. Zaic is a Managing Director of Bankers Capital International, Life Science and Technology Group. He has over forty years of operations and private equity investment experience with technology, health care and life science companies, worldwide. Mr. Zaic has served on more than 20 boards of directors of privately held and publicly traded companies, as well as the advisory board for Columbia University’s Department of Ophthalmology. In addition, he was a consultant to the National Institutes of Health’s Rapid Advanced Diagnostic (RADx) program, and was an executive with Baxter Laboratories (NYSE: BAX) where he headed a division that made and distributed cardiovascular and dialysis products. Mr. Zaic founded Nexus Medical Technology Capital, a venture capital firm specializing in healthcare/life science investments, and he was a general partner of Prince Ventures, an independent, medically focused, venture capital partnership. Mr. Zaic graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University with a Bachelor of Science degree in aerospace and mechanical engineering. He also earned a Master of Science degree in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a Master of Science degree in management from MIT’s Sloan School of Management. Mr. Zaic holds the series 82 FINRA license.
Peter McCallion is a Managing Director of Bankers Capital International, Commercial Real Estate Group. He has over 40 years of experience structuring, negotiating, and executing largescale real estate transactions around the world. He has represented numerous family offices, private capital companies, largescale developers and ultra-high net worth individuals including The Trump Organization, The Tully Group, and 112 hereditary peers of the House of Lords in the United Kingdom. Mr. McCallion has also held key senior management positions with major real estate companies including William B May Real Estate Co. where he was General Counsel. Mr. McCallion earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Yale University, a Master of Arts degree from Duke University, and a Juris Doctor degree from Fordham University School of Law. He is admitted to practice law in the states of New York and Maryland, and holds the series 22 and 63 FINRA licenses.
William Belhumeur is a Managing Director of Bankers Capital International. He has more than 20 years of experience with FINRA-regulated companies, both in capital placement and regulatory compliance, and he has particular expertise in fund management, raising capital for funds, capital allocation, and buy-side analysis. Mr. Belhumeur was previously a principal with Prospect Capital LLC and InterSecurities Ltd., a FINRA member broker dealer and investment advisor, responsible for allocating and raising capital in the hedge fund and private equity sectors. He has been a founder, officer, and/or senior advisor to several technology startup companies, including, the Business Sustainability Network, and Function4 Inc. He is also the Chief Executive Officer of Yosemite Execution Partners, Inc, our affiliated broker-dealer. Mr. Belhumeur is registered with FINRA and holds Series 24, 7, 63, 79, 99, and 31 licenses.
David A. Freedman is the Managing Director of Business Development for Bankers Capital International and its affiliated company, BCI Advisors Inc, the company through which Bankers Capital provides consulting and advisory services to corporate clients. Mr. Freedman has nearly 30 years of business experience in commercial real estate financing and management, fiber-based communications systems for large commercial buildings, and fiber-based financial reporting and trading systems. He held senior positions with Metropolitan Fiber Systems, IPC, Global Crossing, and Neoteric Corporation, where he managed accounts such as New York Stock Exchange, Lazard Ltd (NYSE: LAZ) , The Charles Schwab Corporation (NYSE: SCHW), Softbank Group (Tokyo: 9434.T), Van Eck Securities, ING Groep (NYSE: ING), Furman Selz Capital Management, FleetBoston Financial Corporation (NYSE: FBR), and TicketMaster, Entertainment Inc. Immediately prior to joining Bankers Capital International, Mr. Freedman was a senior advisor with International Structure Management, LLC, an advisory company for pension funds, non-profit organizations, and certain related hedge funds. Mr. Freedman earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Marketing & Management from New England College. He also holds a Real Estate Brokers License issued by the State of New York and is registered with FINRA, series 82.
Daniel Epstein 是 Bankers Capital International 的董事总经理。 他是一位高阶金融服务主管,在策略咨询、募集资金、并购、重组、直接投资和放贷方面经验丰富,涉及房地产、电力和能源、大宗商品和金融服务等多个行业。 Epstein 先生精通英语、西班牙语和葡萄牙语,并在整个美洲进行过涉及国际交易对手的公开与私人交易。 Epstein 先生在 INTL FCStone、Falcon Real Estate(BNP Paribas)、Caribbean Property Group(Goldman Sachs)、Invesco 和 JP Morgan 任职期间,与公司客户、机构和 HNW 投资者建立了高层关系。 他曾担任 AES Eletropaulo(AES Corporation 的巴西子公司)的董事会成员。 Epstein 先生在哥伦比亚大学商学院(Columbia Business School)取得了 MBA 学位,以及在布朗大学(Brown University)取得了文学学士学位。
Jim McPartlan 是 Bankers Capital International 的董事总经理。 McPartlan 先生有超过30年的经验在美国、欧洲、中东与南美洲担任全球投资银行家与资深顾问的角色。 超过20年来,他在 WestLB AG 担任重要职务,领导全球结构性金融、投资银行和全球金融市场团队。 他的金融产品经验包括资产证券化、结构化融资、项目融资、商品和贸易金融,以及金融机构、保险、能源、基础设施、房地产、金属和采矿、商品和运输等领域的资本市场。 McPartlan 先生曾担任欧洲、中东和非洲(12个办事处)和拉丁美洲(4个办事处)的区域首席执行官,负责在全球平台从事经营整合和进行交易。 他也领导了 WestLB AG 的新交易委员会(New Deal Committee)和新产品核准团队。 McPartlan 先生在 宾汉姆顿大学(Binghamton University) 取得经济学和政治学的学士学位,并拥有美国金融业监管局(FINRA)Series 7、63、24和79的执照。
Robert Wotczak – Wotczak 先生是 BCI Advisors, Inc.(Bankers Capital International 的咨询与顾问附属公司)的总裁。 Wotczak 先生有超过25年的高阶经验从事资本市场咨询、证券交易所上市、首次公开发行(IPO)、特殊目的收购公司(SPAC)、公司治理和买方/经纪业务管理。 过去11年来,Wotczak 先生在纽约证券交易所(NYSE)和美国证券交易所(AMEX)担任高阶职务,并以此身分协助200多家证券发行人与首次公开发行公司。 作为 AMEX 的股票主管,他负责管理超过600家证券发行人和新上市公司。 他在2008年主导 AMEX 转移与整并进 NYSE 的业务,在 NYSE 时,他被任命为董事总经理兼区域负责人,与众多證券发行人与首次公开发行公司合作。 他丰富的交易知识让他能够有效的指导高阶管理人、证券发行人与其顾问,在首次公开发行、转板或交叉上市的流程,以及上市公司的持续要求方面都能提供全面的指导。 在从事交易业务之前,Wotczak 先生在纽约商业银行领导信托与投资部门,负责超过10亿美元的资产和2.5亿美元的全权委托帐户。 他也曾担任银行投资委员会的董事长。 Wotczak 先生曾担任上市公司与私人公司的高阶管理人职务,包括担任 TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc 的总裁。 Wotczak 先生在 Baruch College 取得管理与金融的文学学士学位,并且是特许共同基金顾问。
Todd M. DeMatteo 先生是 Bankers Capital International 的资深执行董事。 他也是该公司的母集团 BCI Financial Holdings LLC 的管理成员,并持有多数表决股权。 DeMatteo 先生有超过30年的经验在美国与海外各种规模的上市与私人公司担任执行经理、公司律师与投资银行家。 DeMatteo 先生管理了美国、英国、法国与中国的公司营运,并在全世界的主要市场执行策略发展计划。 在创立 Bankers Capital International 之前,他曾是投资银行的负责人以及 Dominick & Dominick(华尔街最早的公司之一)的高阶主管。 DeMatteo 先生在圣心大学(Sacred Heart University)以最优异的成绩取得了经济、历史与政治学的学位,并获得了昆尼皮亚克大学法学院(Quinnipiac University School of Law)的法学博士学位。 他在康涅狄格州获得了法律执业资格,并在医疗保健行业获得了五项美国专利。 DeMatteo 先生是美国金融业监管局(FINRA)的指定仲裁员,并拥有 FINRA 的 Series 7、24、63和79执照。
Mr. DeMatteo is the Senior Executive Director of Bankers Capital International. He is also the Managing Member and the holder of a majority of the voting stock of BCI Financial Holdings LLC, the firm’s parent company. Mr. DeMatteo has over 30 years of experience as an executive manager, corporate attorney, and investment banker, with various sized companies, public and private, in the United States and abroad. Mr. DeMatteo has managed operating companies in the United States, United Kingdom, France, and China, and has implemented strategic development plans in most major markets of the world. Prior to founding Bankers Capital International, he was the head of investment banking and a senior executive with Dominick & Dominick, one of the oldest firms on The Street. Mr. DeMatteo graduated Summa Cum Laude from Sacred Heart University with a degree in Economics, History and Political Science, and earned a Juris Doctorate degree with distinction from Quinnipiac University School of Law. He is admitted to practice law in the State of Connecticut and was issued five United States patents in the healthcare industry. Mr. DeMatteo is a designated Arbiter for FINRA, and holds the series 7, 24, 63, 79, and 99 FINRA licenses.
Daniel P. Kobayashi 是 Bankers Capital International 的董事总经理。 他拥有18年的投资银行经验,为客户提供有关合并、收购、资产剥离、债务和股权私募以及策略任务的建议。 Kobayashi 先生此前曾担任 PT Securities, LLC 的首席执行官以及 PT Capital LLC 的董事总经理,致力于投资银行业务和私募股权交易。 在加入 PT Securities 和 PT Capital 之前,Kobayashi 先生曾在 Dominick & Dickerman (前身为 Dominick & Dominick)担任9年的投资银行董事总经理。 在加入 Dominick 之前,Kobayashi 先生曾是 J.P. Morgan 在 Financial Institutions Group 的投资银行家。 他在 Houlihan Lokey 开启他投资银行的职业生涯,主要专注于技术、媒体和电信领域。 他在弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)的 McIntire School of Commerce 取得商学学士学位,主修金融。 此外,Kobayashi 先生目前还担任国际投资银行协会(IBI)的讲师,教授企业评价、并购和杠杆收购模型。 他曾在纽约、费城、华盛顿特区、芝加哥、亚特兰大和多伦多的 IBI 授课。 Kobayashi 先生拥有美国金融业监管局(FINRA)Series 7、24、63和79的执照。
Daniel P. Lin 是 Bankers Capital International 的董事总经理。 他拥有超过15年商业房地产交易的经验。 Lin 先生曾在 Capital One Bank 和 Royal Bank of Canada 担任重要职位,主要专注于资产负债表贷方的流动性管理策略和资本堆栈效率。 他也曾在 JPMorgan 和 Credit Suisse 担任采购、技术和贸易方面的职务。 Lin 先生从事过许多房地产交易,包括公司和投资组合的收购与资产剥离、破产的资本重组以及 REIT 和 REOC 的融资。 重要业务包括:办公、零售(社区、电力和生活中心和封闭式购物中心)、工业、数据中心、老年人住房、住宿和多户家庭(包括 LIHTC 和市政债券融资)。 Lin 先生在哥伦比亚大学商学院(Columbia Business School)取得 MBA 学位,以及在纽约大学(New York University)取得工商管理学士学位。 他是全国房地产投资信托协会(NAREIT)和国际购物中心理事会(ICSC)的成员。 Lin 先生的中文流利,并拥有美国金融业监管局(FINRA)Series 79的执照。
Michael R. Rosenberg 是 Bankers Capital International 的资深董事总经理,以及该公司在生命科学行业的附属顾问公司 BCI Life Sciences LLC 的董事。 他也是该公司的母集团 BCI Financial Holdings LLC 的成员,并持有多数表决股权。 Rosenberg 先生在公司运营、技术和银行业务方面拥有超过30年的经验。 他专注于技术、媒体和数字媒体,特别是美国和海外的资本形成和部署、并购交易和策略咨询等业务。 在进入金融服务行业之前,Rosenberg 先生曾在《财富》 1000强企业从事所有阶段的技术交付解决方案。 他在科技公司有经验丰富,包括数字图像处理和交付、购物车处理、站点跟踪和分析以及产品推荐和个性化技术。 Rosenberg 先生在广告和广播领域的营销和收入增长策略方面也具有丰富的经验。 Rosenberg 先生获得了普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)的工程学学士学位(BSE),并拥有美国金融业监管局(FINRA)Series 4、7、24、53、63、65、79和99的执照。
Robert J. Diforio 是 Bankers Capital International 的董事总经理。 他是一位高阶主管,在特种金融、私募、结构性融资、信贷和衍生产品交易方面拥有超过20年的经验。 他在美国、欧洲、中东和亚洲发起、组织和分配了超过200亿美元的资产证券化和复杂的私募,主要是制造业、金融机构、房地产、公用事业,项目融资和物流公司。 他曾在 Westdeutsche Landsbank Girozentale、PB Capital Corporation(德国邮政银行的子公司)和 Axiom Capital Management 担任重要的管理职位。 他也曾在 JP Morgan、Citibank 和 Standard & Poors 从事衍生商品和风险管理方面的工作。 Diforio 先生在纽约大学(New York University)取得 MBA 学位,并拥有美国金融业监管局(FINRA)Series 7、63和65的执照。
Bob Hamilton 担任 Bankers Capital International 和 BCI Advisors Inc. 的首席技术官。 他在全球有超过35年的经验领导信息技术与企业营运。 Hamilton 先生在 UnitedHealth Group 和 Accenture 担任重要的领导职务,专注于全球外包管理以及技术、财务与管理以及医疗保健投资组合的转型。 他也曾在 Siemens 和 Tandy 担任技术实施和服务的管理职务。 Hamilton 先生管理过许多国际外包交易,包括在中国、印度、菲律宾、日本、南非和一些欧洲国家的项目。 他专注于与 IT 应用程序、基础架构和服务相关的关键技术。 他的 IT 专业知识涵盖了 Microsoft 的产品,专注于 Office 365、Cisco 网络和 VOIP。 Hamilton 先生在布莱恩特大学(Bryant University)取得了企业管理硕士学位,在东北大学(Northeastern University)取得了工商管理学士学位,以及在乔治·华盛顿大学(George Washington University)取得了项目管理硕士学位。 他是共享服务(Shared Services)和外包网络(Outsourcing Network)以及全球采购委员会(Global Sourcing Council)的成员。
David A. Freedman 是 Bankers Capital International 与其附属公司 BCI Advisors Inc 的业务发展总监,后者是通过 Bankers Capital 为企业客户提供咨询和顾问服务的公司。 Freedman 在商业房地产交易、大型商业大楼的光纤式通信系统以及光纤式财务报告与交易系统方面有将近30年的业务经验。 他曾在 Metropolitan Fiber Systems、IPC、Global Crossing 和 Neoteric Corporation 担任高阶职位,任职期间他负责管理纽约证券交易所(NYSE)、Lazard Ltd(NYSE:LAZ)、The Charles Schwab Corporation(NYSE: SCHW)、Softbank Group(东京:9434.T)、Van Eck Securities、ING Groep(NYSE:ING)、Furman Selz Capital Management、FleetBoston Financial Corporation(NYSE:FBR)和 TicketMaster Entertainment Inc 等客户。 Freedman 先生的父亲是 Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation 的总裁,Freedman 先生通过该公司广泛地与全美的律师事务所、会计师事务所和大型商业房地产开发商建立了关系。 在加入 Bankers Capital International 之前,Freedman 先生是 Structure Management, LLC 的资深顾问,该公司是养老基金、非营利组织和特定相关对冲基金的顾问公司。 Freedman 先生在新英格兰学院(New England College)取得了营销与管理的文学学士学位。
John J. McDonald 是 Bankers Capital International 的总法律顾问兼董事总经理。 他在全球有超过20年的经验进行建构、协商与执行业务、金融与投资交易。 McDonald 先生曾协助众多国内外企业客户进行业务,包括金融投资者、私募股权公司、策略投资者、机构投资者、家族办公室、天使投资人与种子投资人。 他也代表许多公司在各种行业和地区进行合并、收购、合资、合伙和其他业务合并,包括上市公司与私人公司。 McDonald 先生曾担任 Prospect Capital Management LP(Nasdaq:PSEC)的副总法律顾问,以及 Troutman Sanders LLP 的私募股权集团合伙人。 他曾任 Kelley Drye&Warren LLP 和 Hogan Lovells LLP 的副总。 McDonald 先生在 Georgetown University Law Center 以优异的成绩取得了法学学位,在学期间曾任《The Tax Lawyer》法律期刊的编辑,并且在 Stony Brook University 以极优异的成绩和优等生之荣誉学会(Phi Beta Kappa)的身分取得了科学学士学位。 他是纽约、哥伦比亚特区和弗吉尼亚律师公会的成员。
Bob Hamilton is the Chief Technology Officer of Bankers Capital International and BCI Advisors Inc. He has over 35 years of experience leading information technology and business operations platforms, worldwide. Mr. Hamilton has held key leadership positions with UnitedHealth Group and Accenture, focusing on global outsourcing management and transition in the technology, F&A, and healthcare portfolios. He has also held management roles with Siemens and Tandy in technology implementation and services. Mr. Hamilton has managed numerous international outsourcing transactions, including projects in China, India, the Philippines, Japan, South Africa, and several European countries. He is focused on key technologies involving IT applications, infrastructure, and services. His IT expertise spans Microsoft offerings with a focus on Office 365, Cisco networking, and VOIP. Mr. Hamilton earned a Master’s of Business Administration from Bryant University, and a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration from Northeastern University, as well as a Master’s Certificate in Project Management from George Washington University. He is a member of the Shared Services and Outsourcing Network and the Global Sourcing Council.